Saturday, December 1, 2012

Random Acts of Christmas Kindness! MUST DO!*

I was trying to figure out a way to do a Christmas Advent Calendar with my kids, but in a way that could teach them about the actual Spirit of CHRISTmas, instead of just opening up a little door to grab a piece of chocolate.  I found some of the most amazing ideas!  This one was my favorite.

You can display the advent however you want.  Some people put little boxes within a suitcase to open up, or hung tiny bags on string.  You can use your creative side to make it look cute - but the whole idea is just amazing.  It's called "Random Acts of Christmas Kindness", and I found it all on this link-   The idea is setting up 25 different random acts of kindness for each day of December, and placing this little piece of paper that says "you've been RACK'ed" along with your gift or treat.  Here are some of the random acts of Christmas kindness that I plan on doing...

1-  make a card and a treat for your mailman/woman in my mailbox for them to pick up:)
2- donate clothes, books or food to a charity or shelter
3- placing treats in shopping carts at the grocery
4- attaching quarters to vending machines, or toy machines
5- bringing a warm drink to the Salvation Army volunteer, volunteering with the Salvation Army:),
6-deliver christmas treats to someone working the Christmas Eve, Christmas day shifts
7-make and deliver "blessings bags" for the homeless
8- adopt a family in need

... the list could go on and on!! I am so excited to take part in this!  Can't wait to show you how it went for us!  Try it with your family this Christmas.  What a blessing we can be for each other this holiday season.  It encourages me to practice more random acts of kindness year round.  Let's spread God's love with one another! :)

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