Monday, September 19, 2011

The "I'M BORED Jar" (full of indoor fun!)

Finally a fun answer to those indoor rainy days!  The "I'M BORED JAR!"  I saw this idea in a Parents magazine and it was actually for a "Summer Jar" but why limit it to summer!  Living in Houston I can't say there have been many rainy days (unfortunately, our poor cows)... but no matter what’s keeping mom and child indoors – weather the budget or simply boredom – the indoor fun jar activity will help parents transform an ordinary home into an extraordinary world of amusements.  Write down different activities on separate slips of paper and drop them into your jar.  You can include your child's input or do things you know you as a parent will also enjoy (or have less clean up!).  Decorate your jar to make it even more fun.  And these aren't just for parents and kids - it's a great idea for the grandparent's house "Grandma's Jar" or "Auntie's Activities".  Here are some great activities/ideas to throw in your jar:

-write your own book, and illustrate the pages
- a trip to the museum
-playing a favorite board game
-build a fort in the living room
-bake cookies
-dress up in costumes and role play
-make sock puppets and have a puppet show
-create artwork with markers, crayons, paper, etc.
-make your own instruments with tin cans and beans (drum/rattle)
-eat breakfast for dinner!

The indoor fun jar is filled with tons of fun and imaginative activities for kids to choose from on “indoor” days.  The indoor fun jar is certain to facilitate family bonding and build treasured childhood memories.  If you have any other ideas comment below! Have a fun day!