Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Dreaded Potty Training...

The Dreaded Potty Training...Where do I even begin.... Well, I guess I'll start by saying that I have a 3 year old daughter who is 85% potty trained. :)??  Is that possible?  Yes it is.  She potties every time I physically take her to the bathroom and sit her little bottom on the toilet.  But does she ever tell me when she has to go on her own? Nope!  It's taken some effort and many (many many) wet pants and leggings (and dare I say- poopie pants haha) to come to the realization that we have to use the little thing called the toilet!  It is one of the most difficult disciplines of being a parent, but wow is it great to not have to go buy diapers anymore!  Well, I still do, I have a 4 month old!  But at least not 2 sets now! 

I sware potty training is even harder for the parents.  I tried literally all different "methods" of training, and nothing seemed to work.  I guess it was just a matter of time, where she kind of figured it out on her own (with some constant reminding).  I did realize that every time I FORCED her to go use the potty, she did on her own!  It was just on me to remember every hour to take her there!  So I decided to feature my little new best friend to help with potty training - The Potty Watch!  We accidentally found ours dead in the washing machine, so we had to go buy another one instantly - it was too important!  Every hour or 30 minutes (however you program it) a little song and lights play on the potty watch, reminding your child to use the potty.  It makes the experience more of a fun thing, and it's surprising how fast the time flies before it's that time again. :) I highly recommend it to any parent who struggles with the "every hour" thing.  If it works for me, it will hopefully work for you and your little one!  Give it a try.  GOOD LUCK! Any other ideas - please post below!

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